Saturday, June 30, 2012

I've given up on you. You're not worth my wait.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I want to go to Korea and have morning walk again. One thing I missed a lot about the Korea trip was the morning walk with my friends (though the other two chose sleep over walk heh). It was winter and the morning was cold. We headed into a bakery shop and had our breakfast there. Sitting beside the French window, indulging in our breads, immersing in the atmosphere that was never felt before (trying to act like a poet #fail).

I shall save almost all of my internship pay and take on a part-time job so I can have afford to go to Korea again! Or maybe, I should go to Japan, Bangkok or Tasmania instead. But I haven't gone to Jeju Island and other parts of Korea, I was stuck in Seoul for the entire trip.

No money no talk. I'm anticipating my internship more as each day pass, woo~

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I was bored so I thought of drawing something.

I was staring into space when I was on the train going back home. Tuned into my favourite playlist and created unrealistic scenes in my mind. I was so deep into it that I almost talk to myself and sing along to the song.

I hate how the train is so packed with people during peak hours. There were a few people who were staring at me and squeezing to my side (when there was not enough space for a person to stand at), and I got so irritated that I had the urge to go up to them and punch them right in their face. I'm not violent, I just can't stand people giving me the what-the-fuck-are-you-looking-at face when I did nothing irritate them. For a moment, I thought that I should seek a psychiatrist help since I'm quite violent and emotional these days.

Trying to do some self-reflection now.

We ought to be glad to have friends who will stand by us when we need help.  We should never take anyone for granted. They are in our life for a purpose, whether past, present or future. I'm glad to have my SJAB friends who have trained and played hard with me back during my secondary school times. We cried, fought, played and helped one another throughout the three to four years. I'm glad to have my girls who have accompanied me through my last two years in secondary school. We certainly have done a lot of stupid or crazy things together. I may not be close or keep in contact with some of them, but I still love all of you. You all have made my life happy once (:
As for my course mates, I'm trying hard to accept everyone and treat them nice. Well at least I did, to one of my course mates whom I once disliked so much.

ChangJo and L.Joe have got sexy voices. Woo~

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Was looking through just now and I came across this account and decided to check out her blog.

She's from Hong Kong. An interesting girl I suppose.
I like the photos that she took. I thought that her doodles were interesting and cute too.

I have this interest lately in searching for nice blogs to read. I get excited whenever I came across a nice blog and I will, never fail, check the blog every single day for any update.

Oh. I've changed my blog template. A nice simple design which I think I'll regret changing to it a few days later.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Went to the Harry Potter exhibition with cousin today. Apparently visitors are not allowed to take pictures in there so the only photo I could take was of the Flying Ford Anglia. The exhibition showed mostly of the costumes, wands and items that were used and appeared in the movies. It's nice but not really what I expected. But it's still nice (:

And I've got to say, Emma Watson is really petite. Her costumes are all small. From what I saw, she seems to have small shoulders, waist, in fact a small build, which I'm surprised of. I thought she would be much taller.

Thumbs up to the designer and manufacturer of the wands. Each has got special design, which makes each of the wand... special. Of all, I guess I like Luna Lovegood's and Ginny Weasley's wand the most.

All the merchandises are very expensive. I could only afford the jelly beans which costs SGD6. Ridiculously expensive but I wanted to try the various flavours so I bought it. It has got earwax, soap, vomit, etc. But I guess all of them are going to taste sweet, since they're jelly beans.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This is going to be random.
I'm less into K-Pop for quite a few months but I still do listen to songs by my favourite groups. Recently, Teen Top made a comeback and to be honest, I was super crazy over them whenever I was watching their performances few months back. I would squeal and get excited. After a while, I got bored of them. Now I'm into them again (:

Can we import Korean guys into SG? They are all so cute and hot. They even look nice with single eyelids! Korean guys got nice hair, skin, features... I know this may sound disgusting but some Korean stars have got very sexy lips. Why aren't there pineapples in SG?!?!?!

ChangJo, L.Joe, Y U 2 SO CUTE?!

I should go Korea and find a Korean boyfriend. Muahaha.
I'm eccentric.
Not in the right state of mind.

I should consider deleting this post,
I don't know why heh.
Finally gotten my fake Dr. Martens shoes. Yes it's fake because I'm not a fucking rich person to get the real thing. At least from far people will think I'm wearing the real one right? (:
I was in a dilemma when I was at the shoe shop. I eventually thought of getting it and mom got one pair too!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Izziyana Suhaimi (click to see more)
"We’ve been seeing a lot of embroidered art as of late but I must say that so far, I’ve been most impressed by Singaporean artist Izziyana Suhaimi‘s work. I can’t get over how skillfully she is able to incorporate ornate embroidery techniques with her own pencil drawings and watercolors, pushing the boundaries of traditional and popular culture. Simply beautiful."
I'm lazy to credit the source of photo so click the link to see it yourself (:
I'm so excited seeing this 'cause for the first time a Singaporean artist is featured in Honestly WTF (if I'm not wrong)! It's prettily done!

Just received a bad news from my paternal aunt. I hope my cousin-in-law recuperates well and recover asap.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I tripped and sort of fell on the escalator the other day.

It may sound sadistic but I thought that the pain on my knee and lower leg felt nice. I thought that I should fall more frequently.
Today is Father's Day (at least that's what others are tweeting about).
People, do cherish and love your father (and mother, grandparents, everyone in fact). Father has to work diligently so as to bring back home money and support us. They have to take care of the entire family, ensuring that they have foods to eat, place to live and clothes to wear.
I'm blogging this in the mid dle of the night, which makes me slightly emotional now. And I'm listening to a ballad song now, so it sort of make it worse.

I've told mom about my plan of getting cake on Tuesday and make a trip down to the temple to pay respect to my grandfather and father. It's also my father's birthday on Tuesday! (: Kill two birds with one stone. It started last year when I've decided to make it a habit to pray them during Father's Day or my father's birthday. I somehow believe that they are able to eat the cake that I offered so I must buy tasty cake for them to enjoy heh.

I can't wait for this semester to be over, everyday is just about work, assignments and projects.

The weather is very warm now. I think I need to shower again, for the third time of the day. Wait, it should be the first time for today

Thursday, June 14, 2012

As usual, made a visit to a day care centre and I was so happy to be there. I didn't even want to leave after finishing the surveys, simply because there's a cute guy there. Hoho. Apparently my group mates want to go off so had no choice but to leave. He was sitting beside while I was interviewing the uncle and he was smiling all the time as I was interviewing. SO CUTE CAN!?
I should consider going back there to volunteer >:D

Hasn't seen a cute guy for a long time, so pardon the excitement.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Larger Than The LV Life

Louis Vuitton has enlisted artist Vincent Bousserez, known best for photographing miniatures in his quirky ‘Larger Than Life’ series, for their latest campaign. In this imaginary playground of Louis Vuitton wares, newlyweds walk down a glowing strap, golfers enjoy an evening game over a monogrammed bag, and construction workers carve out embedded logos. Genius!

(click on title to see more)

Monday, June 11, 2012

That's why I said I like to do things on my own. If you do something with friends/anyone, you have to accommodate to them and it can be restrictive at times.
Maybe I'm used to do things myself.

Don't talk to me like you are interrogating me. I don't like that tone. I abhor it.

Have been feeling emotional since I've watched Half-Blood Prince. It's weird to say this, but I'm kind of deeply affected by the story. I can't even express how it feels like, indescribable.
I actually teared up while watching Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows Part 1. It is unusual for me, given that it is a action type of movie.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Was doing research for my project and came across this (yes, it's a TCM-related module project).

"The ideal time to sleep in accordance to the meridian clock is from 11pm to 5am. If your sleep is disturbed at a certain hour repeatedly, it is an indication that the paired organ system may require your attention."

Source: Eu Yan Sang

These days I had a good sleep, so I suppose I'm healthy (:

Looked for a lot of gif-making websites before I managed to complete it!
I'm currently reading this book.
Reading it because I found out there will be a movie that is coming out which is based on this book. And I'm interested in the movie because there is Emma Watson. So, this book is a must-read and the movie is a must-watch!
I downloaded the e-book 2 days ago and I'm halfway through the book already. Surprisingly I'm reading it quite fast, considering the fact that I always spend 2 days reading 2 chapters (~50 pages) of a book.

Download the e-book here
or if you're richer you can purchase the book at the bookstore.
(I'm a cheapo)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A recording done while waiting for bus outside Jurong Bird Park.

I didn't know how to upload a voice recording onto Blogger so have to make it into a video format.
I guess I'll be doing this once every week, if I remember.

P.S. I don't know what's with the black thing under the video. Can't remove it, so just ignore (:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Every time I hear this song, I'll cry.
I miss my primary and secondary school friends!

Don't look like clothes that F21 will have.
Doubt I can find them in store when they're out.
Can only find those not-so-nice ones in the stores.

Has been enjoying my holiday since last Friday and I have plans for everyday. Today's plan is to visit Jurong Bird Park. It may sound pretty lonely or boring, but going to museums/exhibitions/attractions alone is really nice. You can walk for as long as you want, no one to complain and whine about the hot weather or tiring feet.

Can you spot a heart-shape? (:

I wanted to take photos of the owl but because it was too dark inside, the DSLR cannot focus (I think it's my problem, no skills), so I couldn't take any. Disappointed, thought I can take a picture of the snowy owl which reminds me of Harry Potter's owl. And it was so dark that not only my DSLR can't focus, I can't even find the owls!
The place where they kept the owls is quite eerie. I was the only one inside, the air-conditioner is quite strong, the entire room is cold, and there is an eerie music being played. And the owls were all looking at me. Although they're caged but I was afraid they'll fly out, so dumb right?
Anyway, the owls are big and pretty, and scary for some.

While taking photos of the eagles, I realised I'll be focusing on the cage instead of the birds! Got panicked for a moment and I recalled reading the manual book on how to focus on the bird and the cage will disappear. I forgot the exact method so I just trial-and-error and succeeded! Genius. Was happy with the photos taken of the eagles (:

Saw my favourite flamingo. I like flamingo so much because it was one of my idea for my Art exam in Secondary 2. The final art piece is, till now, my favourite art piece among all that I've drawn. There's the flamingo lodge and pool. The flamingos at the lodge are light pink in colour whereas those at the pool are darker and more orange (those above). I waited for like 5 to 10 minutes until I managed to snap a picture of the flamingos forming a heart shape.

I was walking along this boardwalk thing and I saw an animal lying on the pave way.

It looks like a duck but not. I thought it was dead so I used my camera to zoom in, take a photo and confirm. I thought of walking over to check if it's dead so I can notify the keepers there and as I walked nearer to it, it began to move and its mouth was moving oddly. So I walked off immediately and there's this father and son who happened to walk there after I left, and they thought I didn't see it so they asked me to go over. Of course I rejected them! Because of that I had to make a detour to get to go to another place to see my flamingos.

Decided to window-shop at Jurong Point and I got the head scarf I wanted previously for $3 (U.P. $13)! #happygirl93
Went to Chinatown to source for DIY materials. Bought some materials which I didn't plan to do so initially.

Today is a happy day.
Tomorrow got FYP and job training, so tomorrow (onwards) is a bad day.

Monday, June 4, 2012

If this is to happen in SG, all the aunties and uncles will complain.

Starting to like Rasa Zukauskaite.
She's cute when she models.

I went to Lasalle Show 2012 today! Students of Lasalle are really creative and innovative. All their ideas are so fresh and the final products were done nicely. There's quite a few pieces I like and caught my eye, but my favourite has to be the Harry Potter book covers in 3D.

And as I was reading the explanations for the making of these pieces, I came to know that Dumbledore died in Half-Blood Prince movie! That's a major spoiler lah! I'd just finished Chamber of Secrets, going to start on Prisoner of Azkaban, and I like Dumbledore. Thumbs down for that ):

People should stop mentioning the Harry Potter exhibition! I get excited every time I heard about it. They're like spells.
Maybe I should get the Gryffindor's house scarf when I'm there (:

I'll upload some other photos of the exhibition (if I'm not lazy).

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Maybe I should just be silent about everything. Not speak at all, like a mime.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Went to National Museum today, alone (: Feel accomplished for visiting the museum by myself. After today, I thought that it's nice to visit museum alone. You can just look at those exhibits quietly. Not that going to exhibition with friends is a bad thing, but you can't enjoy as much as if you were to go alone. When I just reached NM, I was a bit lost as it was my first time there. But me not that dumb to the point to get lost.
And I admit it was a bit awkward when I was taking photographs of the exhibit because I usually do so with a group of people. New experience.

I went 'woah' many times as I looked at all the exhibits. Like a sua ku.

Basically there are 4 different Living Gallery- Fashion, Food, Photography, and Wayang. I went into the Photography one and came out within a minute because the room was poorly-lit and there were no visitor in there, and the security guard wasn't at that area, so it was scary. And they played this eerie song, and there were photographs of persons, which made it more scary.

The other exhibits were nice. The Fashion Living Gallery displays clothes that were in-the-trend in the past, and they have videos on how to make a kebaya and cheongsam. The Food Living Gallery is of course, about foods! Got nasi lemak, chicken rice, laksa, satay, char kway teow, etc. Some of the tools used to make kuehs and some other foods are displayed too. As I was looking at the stuffs, I got more and more hungry lah (partly because I never had my lunch). Wayang Living Gallery is about opera and some movie thingy.

I was exceptionally happy and satisfied because I went to the exhibitions and I went there for free! Cus I'm a student (: Plus point for being a student.

And I managed to find company to go Lasalle Show 2012 next Monday! Even more happy.