Friday, June 1, 2012


Went to National Museum today, alone (: Feel accomplished for visiting the museum by myself. After today, I thought that it's nice to visit museum alone. You can just look at those exhibits quietly. Not that going to exhibition with friends is a bad thing, but you can't enjoy as much as if you were to go alone. When I just reached NM, I was a bit lost as it was my first time there. But me not that dumb to the point to get lost.
And I admit it was a bit awkward when I was taking photographs of the exhibit because I usually do so with a group of people. New experience.

I went 'woah' many times as I looked at all the exhibits. Like a sua ku.

Basically there are 4 different Living Gallery- Fashion, Food, Photography, and Wayang. I went into the Photography one and came out within a minute because the room was poorly-lit and there were no visitor in there, and the security guard wasn't at that area, so it was scary. And they played this eerie song, and there were photographs of persons, which made it more scary.

The other exhibits were nice. The Fashion Living Gallery displays clothes that were in-the-trend in the past, and they have videos on how to make a kebaya and cheongsam. The Food Living Gallery is of course, about foods! Got nasi lemak, chicken rice, laksa, satay, char kway teow, etc. Some of the tools used to make kuehs and some other foods are displayed too. As I was looking at the stuffs, I got more and more hungry lah (partly because I never had my lunch). Wayang Living Gallery is about opera and some movie thingy.

I was exceptionally happy and satisfied because I went to the exhibitions and I went there for free! Cus I'm a student (: Plus point for being a student.

And I managed to find company to go Lasalle Show 2012 next Monday! Even more happy.


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