Monday, June 4, 2012

If this is to happen in SG, all the aunties and uncles will complain.

Starting to like Rasa Zukauskaite.
She's cute when she models.

I went to Lasalle Show 2012 today! Students of Lasalle are really creative and innovative. All their ideas are so fresh and the final products were done nicely. There's quite a few pieces I like and caught my eye, but my favourite has to be the Harry Potter book covers in 3D.

And as I was reading the explanations for the making of these pieces, I came to know that Dumbledore died in Half-Blood Prince movie! That's a major spoiler lah! I'd just finished Chamber of Secrets, going to start on Prisoner of Azkaban, and I like Dumbledore. Thumbs down for that ):

People should stop mentioning the Harry Potter exhibition! I get excited every time I heard about it. They're like spells.
Maybe I should get the Gryffindor's house scarf when I'm there (:

I'll upload some other photos of the exhibition (if I'm not lazy).


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