Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Don't look like clothes that F21 will have.
Doubt I can find them in store when they're out.
Can only find those not-so-nice ones in the stores.

Has been enjoying my holiday since last Friday and I have plans for everyday. Today's plan is to visit Jurong Bird Park. It may sound pretty lonely or boring, but going to museums/exhibitions/attractions alone is really nice. You can walk for as long as you want, no one to complain and whine about the hot weather or tiring feet.

Can you spot a heart-shape? (:

I wanted to take photos of the owl but because it was too dark inside, the DSLR cannot focus (I think it's my problem, no skills), so I couldn't take any. Disappointed, thought I can take a picture of the snowy owl which reminds me of Harry Potter's owl. And it was so dark that not only my DSLR can't focus, I can't even find the owls!
The place where they kept the owls is quite eerie. I was the only one inside, the air-conditioner is quite strong, the entire room is cold, and there is an eerie music being played. And the owls were all looking at me. Although they're caged but I was afraid they'll fly out, so dumb right?
Anyway, the owls are big and pretty, and scary for some.

While taking photos of the eagles, I realised I'll be focusing on the cage instead of the birds! Got panicked for a moment and I recalled reading the manual book on how to focus on the bird and the cage will disappear. I forgot the exact method so I just trial-and-error and succeeded! Genius. Was happy with the photos taken of the eagles (:

Saw my favourite flamingo. I like flamingo so much because it was one of my idea for my Art exam in Secondary 2. The final art piece is, till now, my favourite art piece among all that I've drawn. There's the flamingo lodge and pool. The flamingos at the lodge are light pink in colour whereas those at the pool are darker and more orange (those above). I waited for like 5 to 10 minutes until I managed to snap a picture of the flamingos forming a heart shape.

I was walking along this boardwalk thing and I saw an animal lying on the pave way.

It looks like a duck but not. I thought it was dead so I used my camera to zoom in, take a photo and confirm. I thought of walking over to check if it's dead so I can notify the keepers there and as I walked nearer to it, it began to move and its mouth was moving oddly. So I walked off immediately and there's this father and son who happened to walk there after I left, and they thought I didn't see it so they asked me to go over. Of course I rejected them! Because of that I had to make a detour to get to go to another place to see my flamingos.

Decided to window-shop at Jurong Point and I got the head scarf I wanted previously for $3 (U.P. $13)! #happygirl93
Went to Chinatown to source for DIY materials. Bought some materials which I didn't plan to do so initially.

Today is a happy day.
Tomorrow got FYP and job training, so tomorrow (onwards) is a bad day.


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