Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grandma cooked mee sua for me yesterday. I'm a blessed kid (:
My birthday wasn't exactly a happy one because I had to study for tests.
Few weeks before my birthday, I was thinking about birthday. Other than celebrating the birth of us and managing to live through a year more, I think we should give more credits to our mother who had to suffer. I told my mother last year that children should actually celebrate their birthdays with their parents too instead of just with their friends because without your parents, there won't be you!

Thanks to those who gave their wishes and presents.

I disabled the notification of my birthday on Facebook and turns out other than those people who really remembered my birthday, others don't even know. Talk about the power of Facebook reminders. Now I know who's really my friend and who's not.

Monday, May 28, 2012

My brother got me a Polaroid camera for my birthday

Wanted to hint him about Diana camera or macro lens for DSLR,
oh well.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why look into the flaws of people and magnify them?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

People are ironically ironic.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012


This was taken during Eileen's and Edmund's birthday celebration cum Melvin's farewell cum gathering. This is what I ask for, having gathering once in a while and have fun. Gatherings used to be such a frequent thing that I have with my friends, going anywhere and doing anything. Why can't everything be simple just like before?

It's like, as you grow up, there will be many situations or problems that are occurring and things become complex. People change, either for the good or the bad, and it is scary. I don't even know how to react when I came to realise that I've changed.

People are scary. Everything is scary. I am scary.

Right now I just want to take a break, a long break. It's too suffocating and exhausting with all the projects and assignments that I have to complete everyday. There isn't a day that I'm not using the Microsoft Office, visiting the BlackBoard website and checking my Hotmail inbox. Everyday is about school work. I want my holiday! And I have to work my ass off during the term break; have to conduct surveys for FYP, do grant proposal for project, attend makeup lesson, plan course event, and I think there's more to come. The school is eating away our 3-week break. I should have spent my previous semester break wisely, visiting places and doing the things I want. I now regret.

I want to eat sardine fish now.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Have to take a look at this!

Hermes office

It's fascinating to me.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


The mothers at my maternal side family.

Had Mother's Day celebration yesterday at granny's house. AND WE HAD DURIAN CAKE :d We get to eat cake once every month cus there's occasions or birthdays in each month and me like! Get to eat many different cakes each month heh.

It has become a practice to take cousins shot.

And there's Lucas, walking like a boss

I have several countries on my list that I want to visit:
  • Bangkok (to shop of course!)
  • Taiwan
  • Japan
  • Tasmania/Australia
  • Korea- Seoul (the other time I went was during winter, nothing much to buy)
Can't find anyone to go to Bangkok with this year, everyone's either busy, broke, or heading/headed there.–

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I have had my imaginations ran wild. Something I always do.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Exactly what I was thinking last month! Was astonished when I saw this on tumblr.

If you think that one behaves like how you think they do,
doesn't that makes you the person whom you think they are?

Different words but similar meaning lah. Sama sama can?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Such a hottie yet a cutie.

I'm finally done with presentations! Going to get some rest over the weekends before I get busy again with fyp, tests and assignments. My eyes are really droopy and they are going to close. Didn't get enough sleep for the whole week and I had to force myself to listen to the lectures. It was definitely a physically and mentally draining week. I foresee more of such weeks to come ):

Ever is a long time
-Mirror Mirror movie

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I've started to plan on what to do and where to go during my term break. My next holiday after that would be next year February ): But the 3-week break is not exactly 3 weeks, more like 2 weeks because we still have to do our FYP during the holidays.
  • Visit National Museum
  • Visit Harry Potter exhibition
  • DIY accessories

Oh! I just applied for a part-time job, hopefully they'll accept me! I need mah-nee ($.$)