Saturday, April 28, 2012

Went for these 2 exhibitions today. The Titanic one was great and breath-taking (not literally though), with all the artifacts recovered from the wreck site and they displayed it such that it's in a time line form and as you walk, you will feel like you're reading a book. Towards to end of the exhibition, they have stories of several dead passengers along with their belongings and items displayed and it's sad to see them ending up like that. And the ice berg thing! It was super cold! I thought it would be like our fridge ice kind of cold, but it was much colder than that! My hands were freezing and in pain after touching and to think that the passengers had to endure the cold and pain during the incident until they're rescued.
I've gotten my boarding pass before I entered and towards the end I checked the survivors list and found my name. I guess my husband died since guys didn't have the priority to take the lifeboats (so unfair). I'm a widow~

Prior to the Titanic exhibition, I went to the Andy Warhol exhibition. It was pretty, awesome and everything good. His artworks are all amazing, really. Not only his paintings, also his photographs, films and some others. And Time Capsule 51, it's quite cool that he placed all his stuffs in boxes (1 box is 1 capsule) and decided to use all his 600+ capsules as a serial artwork. And there were 3 polaroids of Andy Warhol himself as a drag, quite sexy actually.

Didn't manage to take any photos since we weren't allowed to do so and I don't want to risk taking any. It would be so embarrassing if I took photos and got caught by the guards there.

If dreams would come true
How happy I'd be!
I dreamed that I love you
And I dreamed that you love me

Saw this on a postcard artifact at the Titanic exhibition.

They always say that time changes things,
but you actually have to change them yourself

And this is from the Andy Warhol exhibition.

Tomorrow's the last day of Titanic exhibition! Andy Warhol's one will be until August. And there's the Harry Potter exhibition from June to September. And may be going to Lasalle exhibition. Me so artistic.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

(click picture for link)

It's a website where people from all over the world post up their outfit of the day #OOTD. It's one of the website that I must visit everyday (:<

(click picture for link)

Polyvore is like another Happened to know about this website after watching a video by Budget Barbie Qiuqiu.

(click picture for link)

This website has a lot of stuffs like DIY projects, inspirations, food, photography, anything and almost everything.

So many things to do on Friday and Saturday. Hope I don't miss out anything...

Monday, April 23, 2012

It will be a busy week. Have to complete 30 surveys, do up PowerPoint slides for 2 presentations, prepare stuffs for final year project and many many many mooore. Can't even squeeze out some time to watch the Transformers DVD I borrowed from school pfft.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

So caught up with school work that I don't have time to blog, watch DVD or shop. I don't even get sufficient sleep ever since school started. Have been spending my time after school doing work and I barely complete any of them. Have like quite a few presentation stuffs to do this week and final year project is starting in a few days time. A hectic life I will lead #sadlifeofayear3

Just when I got so hyped up about going for the Titanic and Andy Warhol exhibition, my friend said she doesn't want to go. Happy for nothing. Maybe I should just go myself (forever alone).

I want to get this book! I hope they'll have it in SG bookstore.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm not ambitious,
I just want to be all-rounded.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just this afternoon I had mentioned about Honestly WTF website. Going to do a post on a few more art pieces posted by them.

1. Embroidered X-Rays

2. África Magnífica

3. Amira Fritz

4. Dear Photograph

You can visit Dear Photograph website for more!

5. Yowayowa

Visit Yowayowa website for more!

6. Sleep Elevations

More to come~
I think I've mentioned this before, but this website is so amazing that I'm going to bring it up again.
Honestly WTF
This website constantly updates about fashion, photography and DIY projects. Was surfing through the website and decide to share some posts.

1. Silent World
With some clever camera trickery, artists Lucie & Simon have captured some of the world’s most populated cities completely devoid of any human activity. The result is a series of unimaginable, apocalyptic-like photos – honestly eerie yet incredibly compelling and cool.

(click on the title to see more)

2. NYC From Above
The best views of New York can only be seen from above, wouldn’t you agree?

(click on the title to see more)

3. India Song
After a life-changing journey to Rajasthan in 2008, artist Karen Knorr wanted to celebrate the visual richness found in the fables, myths and stories of northern India using sacred and secular sites to highlight the caste system, femininity and its relationship with the animal world. Interiors of palaces, mausoleums, and holy sites were photographed with a large format camera and a variety of animals were photographed separately in sanctuaries and zoos. Knorr combined the two elements, fusing high resolution with analogue photography. The result is an impressive and spellbinding series I hope to see in person someday.
(click on the title to see more)

The posts I've mentioned are under the Art category, you can visit the website for fashion-related posts, as well as DIY projects created by them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hasn't been working for almost half a year and managed to find jobs and have started working about two weeks ago. My point is, I've totally forgotten how tough it is to work and earn money until I started working 2 weeks ago. I had to stand the whole day and do promoting of products. I had to withstand the soreness in my legs and being rejected by customers who either don't want to buy the product or listen to you introducing the products. I've been working for the past Saturday and Sunday, and what I can say is
She has to work for 8 to 16 hours each day and when she reaches home, I still pester her to accompany watch TV shows and not allowing her to sleep. And I've been spending (or rather splurging) quite a lot recently. Have been addicted to online shopping since the start of the year and since then, have been visiting online webs frequently and making purchases. But I didn't make like, a lot of purchases; bought about 4 pieces of clothing over the past 4 months, which means 1 piece per month (which is reasonable, right?). Since I don't have any income for that past 3 to 4 months, I used the money my mom gave me to purchase the clothes. And when I get my pay, I'll save like every bit of it and ask my mom for more money to shop.
Now that I've worked, I can really feel how my mom feels. I'm such a miser. Also, there are quite a few things that have been happening lately in the house, which makes me more guilty about spending money freely.
I've made a decision to work every weekend if possible so that I can at least earn sufficient money to buy lunch in school and save the remaining for rainy days~ Have to lessen my mother's burden.

-Rants and reflections aside-

Doubt anyone is reading my blog anymore since I've been neglecting it for months. My fault, blog ):

My love LZX has released new album! Downloaded the songs few days ago but felt so guilty for doing so and because all the songs are so nice, I'm going to buy the album later on (:< Talk about spending money again, can never change the habit.

A picture of a cutie to end the post...