Saturday, April 28, 2012

Went for these 2 exhibitions today. The Titanic one was great and breath-taking (not literally though), with all the artifacts recovered from the wreck site and they displayed it such that it's in a time line form and as you walk, you will feel like you're reading a book. Towards to end of the exhibition, they have stories of several dead passengers along with their belongings and items displayed and it's sad to see them ending up like that. And the ice berg thing! It was super cold! I thought it would be like our fridge ice kind of cold, but it was much colder than that! My hands were freezing and in pain after touching and to think that the passengers had to endure the cold and pain during the incident until they're rescued.
I've gotten my boarding pass before I entered and towards the end I checked the survivors list and found my name. I guess my husband died since guys didn't have the priority to take the lifeboats (so unfair). I'm a widow~

Prior to the Titanic exhibition, I went to the Andy Warhol exhibition. It was pretty, awesome and everything good. His artworks are all amazing, really. Not only his paintings, also his photographs, films and some others. And Time Capsule 51, it's quite cool that he placed all his stuffs in boxes (1 box is 1 capsule) and decided to use all his 600+ capsules as a serial artwork. And there were 3 polaroids of Andy Warhol himself as a drag, quite sexy actually.

Didn't manage to take any photos since we weren't allowed to do so and I don't want to risk taking any. It would be so embarrassing if I took photos and got caught by the guards there.

If dreams would come true
How happy I'd be!
I dreamed that I love you
And I dreamed that you love me

Saw this on a postcard artifact at the Titanic exhibition.

They always say that time changes things,
but you actually have to change them yourself

And this is from the Andy Warhol exhibition.

Tomorrow's the last day of Titanic exhibition! Andy Warhol's one will be until August. And there's the Harry Potter exhibition from June to September. And may be going to Lasalle exhibition. Me so artistic.


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