Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My snowflake design for the office

The design is kind of hideous to me because I did it on the day of submission. It was a last minute work which explains why the weird and uncreative design.

Had Christmas party with my friends on Sunday. I spent the day watching them playing mahjong, lazing around and cooking up a feast. No pictures for the party yet (will get it from my friend asap). Then I spent Christmas eve with my relatives; we ate and exchanged gifts. Pretty much that and the atmosphere was kind of low because my nephew got admitted into the hospital, so he wasn't able to attend the dinner yesterday. Today, I went for a chanting session (I was there for an hour only) and then to IKEA with brother and his girlfriend. We shopped and had a mini feast there. 

Simple yet fulfilling Christmas break. Have to go back to school tomorrow for project meeting. I hope that meeting ends early so that I do some shopping in town before meeting my friends for dinner. I'm living my life.

Since it's almost the end of the year, I've started to make some resolutions for 2013 and one of it is: Don't be lazy, make an effort to apply makeup whenever I'm going out (okay, it isn't a decent and proper resolution).
I didn't really realise how listless I looked, especially on days when I slept late the night before, until my internship when I finally saw how gaunt I am. But I hate the removing makeup and washing up part at the end of the day. It's like the most tedious thing ever to do!

Oh, I've created Instagram a few months ago but didn't disclose it because I wasn't very active (I don't own an iPhone or Android phone so I don't have access to the app). But I'm using it more often now! It's like a whole new world, okay exaggeration.


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