Sunday, July 15, 2012

I was supposed to shop for clothes that I can wear for internship but instead I went to Kinokuniya and got the picture book that I've always wanted! And I thought that I was just going to get pens and notebook at Popular today, but I came across my all-time favourite author/artist 幾米's new book!

I very happy now can?! :D

Left: Today's Levitation by Natsumi Hayashi
Right: Hug by Jimmy (幾米)

Below is the synopsis/description for each book:

"Today's Levitation"
Natsumi call herself the "yowayowa camera woman" (yowayowa is a Japanese term meaning "weak" or "feeble"). There are over 30,000 hits everyday on her blog and she was so famous and called as "Levitation Girl". She wondering around Tokyo with her heavy Canon EOS 5D Mk2 camera (it is really heavy to her), shooting and create her Levitation diary of self-portraits. With the function of 10 seconds self-timer of camera, Natsumi press the shutter button and run as quickly as she can to the position that she already framed, and jumping at the magic moment of shutter open. Maybe the "Levitation" works looks easy to be taken, but sometime it will take over 300 times to shoot at the same position for one perfect work. In the case of the distance over 10 seconds of running, she will ask her friend as the model for framing and exchange position while shooting. She also shoots as many times as she could to get the perfect works. With her unique aesthetics, Natsumi use the traditional concept of capturing moment by camera and the new digital technique that can repeat trying for perfection. She create the images with full of narrative and imagination. She was so famous in the internet world and already makes a tendency that people imitating a lot. There are already many special interview on introducing her works, such as the front page of Yahoo!U.S. and NEWS and lots of Japanese magazines and France magazine "Philosophie Magazine".


紅毛獅開始羨慕起來,他想找其它動物擁抱,但是沒有動物願意,他是一隻到處被拒絕的獅子。突然,他的身體記起曾經有過類似的擁抱感覺:當他還是一隻 小獅子時,他是這樣溫柔地被一個小男孩抱著,擁有無限的溫暖。他也想起分開的那天,男孩在路上狂奔,對著載走紅毛獅的卡車猛揮手。

(Just use Google translate if you can't understand)

And the cute thing about the 幾米's book is that it comes with a bag (I don't know what's the name for those kind of folder/bag). It has like cute drawings on it, all drawn by the author himself!

I have an extreme fetish for paintings or drawings or photos with animals in it! When I saw this book, I literally went 'OH MY GOD! I HAVE TO GET THIS BOOK IMMEDIATELY!'

I'm going to read/look through both books during my semester break, which is like one and a half months from now D:


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