Saturday, December 21, 2013

River Safari + Bishan Park

River Safari

Bishan Park

Went to River Safari last Sunday with my cousin and her family. My cousin had the corporate pass therefore we need not pay for the admission and boat ride ticket. The entire place is rather small compared to the zoo but I still think it is worth paying a visit. Even though there are the common types of animals which you can see in the zoo as well e.g. crocodiles, fishes and monkeys, there are still other never-seen-before (at least to me) animals that you can catch a glimpse of e.g. red panda, panda, golden pheasant, jaguar and otter. Sadly, we didn't get to eat the famous panda bun because we would have to detour back to the restaurant and we thought that they may had been sold out as there is a limited number of buns sold per day.

After leaving River Safari, my cousin and I decided to head back to my grandmother's house. Instead of going there straight, we walked around AMK Hub and shortly decided to go to Bishan Park to have impromptu brunch/dessert at Grub. We then took a bus and reached the cafe, only to realise that they would be opened at 5.30pm. Thus, my cousin and I sat on a bench and rested. Half an hour later, it started drizzling and we sought shelter (which didn't serve its purpose as a shelter at all). The rain started pouring and we had no choice but to run to the cafe to seek (better) shelter. By then we were all drenched and freezing. We stood like that for one hour before the cafe operates and we ordered our food. After eating, we went back to grandmother's house and dried ourselves.

I am glad that my cousin asked me out and sort of accompanied me through the day otherwise I would have spent my day at home lazing around instead. We chatted and it made me realise that there is someone who is as concerned about the family as I am. I am not good in expressing myself therefore I try to show it through my actions. The little things that I do for my family and friends are my way of expressing my love for them. But sadly, not everyone notices or realises it. Not that I am asking for their appreciation, but I sincerely hope that they can feel how much I do care about them.

Sometimes I feel that I am imposing on my friends a lot. I am always asking them out because I don't have other friends to go out with. I would always be asking them for their schedules and trying to arrange a meet up but I tend to neglect the fact that they are still schooling and have other friends to meet as well. I don't mean to be selfish; I simply want to spend more time with them before I leave. I am afraid that once I leave, we will grow distant even though we promised that we won't. But 9 months isn't a very short period. Many things can happen within those months. They are friends whom I've once grew slightly distant with, therefore I want to meet and spend time with them often and grow closer than before.